Management of work and appraisals

Beyond dry stone masonry, Stoneworks Lippert SARL’s services include planning, managing and supervising work. Our experience in team and worksite management allows us to offer high quality supervision throughout your project, from the choice of raw materials to the setting of the last stone.

Because dry stone masonry know-how requires knowledge and extensive experience, our company also offers its services for surveys, feasibility studies or appraisals. As such, we work with communities, organisations and individuals in the preparation of calls for tender, defining clear and precise requirements to ensure the creation of durable, quality constructions.

Additionally, during major projects, Stoneworks Lippert Sàrl is available to give you advice in the preparation of applications for various types of financial support and grants.


  • Federal Office of Roads, OFROU, Switzerland Appraisal of dry stone wall masonry along highway A5, Concise.
  • Institute for Higher Trades, ISM, France Appraisal of candidacy files for the title of “Living Heritage Company,” for companies completing dry stone works.
  • Norway’s Roads and Bridges Service Appraisal and feasibility study for the restoration of old walls and a new support wall for the Zinc Museum project, Almannajuvet, Sauda by Peter Zumthor.
  • Michlig und Partner SARL, Naters bei Brig, mandated by the commune of Naters Inventory and study of work to be completed for the second stage of the renovation of the main and lateral cattle enclosures on the Belalp.
  • Baumgartenalp Foundation, Glaris Canton Elaboration of the financing application for the Confederation, the canton the commune and sponsors for the renovation work for the wall with two coverings in the Baumgartenalp pasture from 2011-2015.
  • Via Storia, Bern Quality control support and supervision of restoration work on the "chemin des Diligences," Salvan.
  • Jura-Vaudois Regional Natural Park

    Appraisal of dry stone walls restored in three of the park’s communes.

Stoneworks' activities across Switzerland